Today is World Polio Day, a time to reflect on the incredible progress that has been made towards the eradication of the awful disease.
This morning some members of the club met to "Walk a Mile for Polio". It was a nice opportunity for some fellowship and to think about the work that still needs to be done to achieve the goal of completely defeating it. More photos on our Facebook Page #EndPolioNow #RotaryPeopleOfAction
We were very grateful for the opportunity to visit Shepton Mallet Rotary Club to tell them about our proposed project, working with Rotary Club of Ndola Central and others, to arrange to send two containers of wheelchairs and other disability aids to the Copperbelt area in Zambia.
It is a project that will have a life changing impact for many many people, both children and adults. We are seeking support and pledges to raise sufficent funds to qualify for a Rotary Global Grant. We are happy to visit any clubs in Distrct 1200 that would be interested to find out more. Many thanks to all of the members for great hospitality and fellowship. #RotaryPeopleOfAction #TheMagicOfRotary #seekingsupport What better way to raise funds for Minehead & District Guide Dogs than to have a bracing run or a walk along our lovely seafront.
More information and a link to book can be found here: #supportguidedogs #havefun We were very pleased to be able to support Dan's amazing effort, which raised so much for Mind in Somerset. So many supporters!
#supportmentalhealthawareness |