A small team from Minehead represented the Club at the first Cluster Conference in Exeter over the weekend 28th to 30th June. There was a busy programme of informative Rotary presentations interspersed with a variety of interesting, and in many cases inspiring, speakers, most broadly following the theme of the conference, which was "Stronger Together". The four district handovers took place during the final session on Sunday morning. There were three Showcase rooms open during the tea/coffee breaks in which many clubs and organisations had stands and we made a lot of interesting contacts. It was a great way to find out about the wide variety of projects the Clubs in our Districts are involved with.
The Conference Venue - Sandy Park Our District Handover Some of the Showcase Stands Speakers and Youth contributors Fun - there was a Ceilidh on Friday evening
and a Black Tie Dinner & Dance on Saturday
The Exmoor Young Chef Competition, organised by Minehead Rotary Club, Visit-Exmoor and Butlins, and sponsored this year by Bidfood, will be held at West Somerset College on Oct 5th 2024.
The information pack can be found on the website below and entries have to be sent in by JUNE 30th. 10 participants will be notified by JULY 10th. Please share with any young food enthusiast you think might be interested - it’s a wonderful opportunity! www.visit-exmoor.co.uk/business-hub/centre-of-excellence/events |